Survey Development
National Council of State Boards of Nursing internal project
2 months
Role on Project
Principal investigator
Skills Demonstrated
Qualitative research
Stakeholder interviewing
Expert interviewing
Item development
Survey methodology
This project was the development of a survey methodology to investigate the use of collaborative practice agreements between Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and physicians.
Each state regulates APRN practice differently. Some states require collaborative practice agreements between APRNs and physicians, while other states require supervision by a physician, and other states allow APRNs to practice independently.
A survey methodology was developed to investigate if collaborative practice agreements between APRNs and physicians actually facilitate collaboration in a way that protects the public. The survey was sent to approximately 130,000 APRNs.
01. Survey Development
Qualitative Document Review
APRN Nurse Practice Acts (rules & regulations) were reviewed to obtain information on the content and variability of collaborative practice agreements by state
Step 1
Two coders looked-up each state’s Nurse Practice Act and compiled text related to APRN collaborative practice agreements by state.
Step 2
Common themes and important themes were identified by each coder.
Step 3
The two coders came together and agreed on the set of common and important themes.
Step 4
The two coders returned to the compiled text & coded for important & common themes. Resulted in a table that identified each common & important theme, which states have each theme, & percentage of states with the theme.
Step 5
The two coders came together and reconciled any differences in coding of themes, by state.
Stakeholder & Expert Interviewing
Multiple rounds of stakeholder and expert interviewing within NCSBN were conducted to inform survey item development and edit survey content
Near final versions of the survey were sent to external stakeholder groups (i.e., various APRN association leadership) for review and input
Survey Content
42 items covering these topics
What the collaborative practice agreement is based on
Who constructed it
Length of time under the agreement
How often the agreement is reviewed/renewed
Benefits and disadvantages to the agreement
Referrals and consultations
Frequency and mode of communication with the collaborating physician, proximity to and availability of the collaborating physician
Chart reviews performed by the collaborating physician
Financial costs of establishing and maintaining the collaborative agreement
Malpractice insurance coverage
Length of time to find a replacement collaborating physician
Restrictions to practice
Challenges with complying to the collaborative agreement
42 items covering these topics
Final unformatted survey
The online version was developed using Qualtrics
Survey Protocol
Click to view the survey protocol